Mondactu, Santé

Covid-19: Was Donald Trump referring to Ballistol?

Donald Trump talks about injecting a disinfectant as a treatment for CoVid19 or CoV-2 SARS in the sense of « introducing » and not as all the media hastened to translate literally by injection making a mockery of it.

Indeed, he uses a financial term used in the business world, namely « injecting capital ». He uses a financial term used in the business world, namely « injecting capital… », which implies introducing capital and in this context introducing a disinfectant by « inhalation or diffusion ».

But he is talking about disinfectant and has already pointed out to its readers the role of Ballistol as a powerful disinfectant and antiviral agent through the action of the essential oil of paraffin (one of its components with regard to its proven antiviral action).

See our previous articles on this subject:

The antiviral action of ballistol has no doubt about viral herpes of the lip.

Was Donald Trump referring to Ballistol?

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